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Protest Victories!

        I have heard this many times: “You are protesting XYZ, Inc. You are wasting your time with this protest.” Wrong! By the grace of God, Pro-Life Waco has experienced many victories. Here are PLW’s Top 5 outright victories where abortion-supporting organizations flipped 180 degrees. We are more powerful than we think! Moreover, we NEVER strike out. Even if the central protest goal is not achieved, there are many areas of positive impact. Some benefits are guaranteed. See PSO needed! 

        Victory #1   (2004)  Local Girl Scout Cookie Boycott in with national impact. The Waco Girl Scout Council had its logo on flyers of the controversial Nobody's Fool sex ed event sponsored by Planned Parenthood. The event targeted children in grades 5 - 9. Pro-Life Waco demanded a “divorce” of Girl Scouts from Planned Parenthood. PLW ran radio ads on the local American Family Radio station. A torrent of local controversy erupted, and national coverage quickly developed. After three weeks of controversy and parents pulling children out of troops, the Waco Bluebonnet Council voted to sever all ties with Planned Parenthood. This was a local decision. At the national level, the collaboration remained. The boycott controversy was educational. Parents across the country learned that Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood were in the same camp regarding sexuality promiscuity and abortion immorality.

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       Victory #2   (1989 to 2013)  Nobody's Fool “sex ed” folds after a 24-year run. Planned Parenthood’s sex seminar for children in grades 5-9 was offered on one day each July. At its high point, Nobody’s Fool lured 700 children. Pro-Life Waco challenged Nobody's Fool through the decades with yard signs, billboards, a billboard truck, letters to the editor, and dozens of foot soldiers on the sidewalk for the event each year. Attendance declined to less than a hundred. In June of 2013, the Waco newspaper announced Nobody’s Fool had been terminated.

      Victory #3   (2022)   400 life-defenders swamp Waco City Council to crush proposed city ordinance.  In July of 2022, a Waco City Council member proposed a “GRACE” Act ordinance to block the Waco Police Department from enforcing Texas abortion laws. For the August council meeting, Pro-Life Waco organized a turnout of around 400 pro-life citizens to protest and speak against the ordinance. That was the end of the road for this pro-abortion initiative in Waco. This ordinance ploy was adopted in other Texas cities.

     Victory #4   (2015)  Target backs down on support for 50 Shades of Gray movie. Target stores nationwide featured displays for this deplorable movie. Pro-Life Waco was the only organization in America to challenge Target. John Pisciotta personally called on Waco managers and mentioned sidewalk protests were likely. The display vanished the next day. PLW organized a protest at Target in Georgetown, Texas. We held signs and talked with management. The displays were removed in Georgetown and four other Target stores in the same region.

​       Victory #5   (2018)  Wacoan Magazine terminates Planned Parenthood ads. In December of 2017, the magazine carried a full-page ad promoting the new abortion facility in Waco. Pro-Life Waco protested once a month for three months at WACOAN Magazine, located on a very busy street. WACOAN management contacted PLW and agreed not to run Planned Parenthood Waco ads of any type in exchange for the end of protests.​

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