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Media on Pharmacy Outreach 

 'Pro-Life in the Public Square' goal is to bring pro-life message to the 'mushy middle.' Live Action News. October 26, 2024. The occasion for this news article was the launch of a new national organization--Pro-Life in the Public Square. One mission of PLPS is support for pharmacy outreach by providing free signs, flyers, and more.

5 reasons to believe abortion pill protests at CVS and Walgreens will prevail. Live Action News. August 20, 2024

 Pro-Life Waco Waco group takes protests nationwide after CVS and Walgreens announce chemical abortions by prescriptions has begun. American Family Radio News. Aired on 200 radio stations. May 14, 2024

Commentary by John Pisciotta.

Abortion pill pharmacy outreach near Baylor University reaches 100s, inspires student. Live Action News. May 8, 2024.

Americans protest at 78 Walgreens and CVS stores to condemn abortion drug sales. March 27, 2024. This news article is about the one-day protest organized by Eric Scheidler and Pro-Life Action League.

Commentary by John Pisciotta.
Walgreens and CVS provide massive opportunity for nationwide collaboration'. Live Action News. March 10, 2024.   

Commentary by John Pisciotta. Pharmacy Outreach on abortion pills has crucial impact. Live Action News. January 18, 2024.

PLW begins monthly protests at CVS Pharmacy in Waco. LifeSiteNews.  April 5, 2023

Molly White Podcast.jpg
Pro-Life in the Public Square is launched by a local organization 
(36 Minutes)

This video interview of John Pisciotta on the Molly White podcast is from just hours after the launch of Pro-Life in the Public Square. Molly is a longtime activist and former Texas State Representative. Tune in and find out why the pro-life movement needs much stronger public square outreach.

Pro-Life Outreach at Walgreens and CVS at Walgreens in Waco and across America (4 minutes)

This video includes scenes and commentary on pharmacy outreach/protest in Waco. PLPS Director John Pisciotta and other Waco foot soldiers appeal to pro-life groups to rise up in national collaboration. In 2024-2025. PLPS offers a Quick Start Pack to any group in America that will commit to at least monthly outreach for four months.  Let's make pharmacy protests rival the intensity AND RESULTS of the protests of segregated lunch counters in 1960.  CVS and Walgreens offer the pro-life movement over 18,000 outreach/protest venues across all 50 states!

John Pisciotta was interviewed by Lila Rose of Life Action.
(40 minutes.) Most of this (starting at 13:00)  is about Pro-Life Waco’s top priority—public square outreach.  (September 7, 2023) 

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