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John Pisciotta, CEO

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​       Before launching Pro-Life in the Public Square in 2024, John Pisciotta was the Founding Director of Pro-Life Waco (1995) and served on the economics faculty of Baylor University (1980-2012).

       While on the Baylor faculty, John became active in the life-defender arena in 1994. This was the year Planned Parenthood launched its baby-killing business in Waco. Pisciotta's response to Planned Parenthood brought the formation of Pro-Life Waco. PLW's priority from the start has been public square outreach: engaging the broad cross-section of neighbors in Central Texas.

       Pro-Life Waco burst on the national scene in 2004 with a boycott of Girl Scout Cookie sales of the local Bluebonnet Council. This council publically endorsed Planned Parenthood's sex-ed events and honored Planned Parenthood Waco’s CEO with its "Woman of Distinction" award in 2003.  The spiraling controversy led the Bluebonnet Council to renounce ties with Planned Parenthood.               

       Pisciotta appeared on the Today Show, Hannity and Combs, the 700 Club, and more. The boycott increased national awareness of the entanglement of these secular, progressive organizations.

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       Pro-Life Waco’s recurring outreach events have included challenging the annual Nobody’s Fool sex promotion youth conference, Life Chain, overpass outreach, displays at fairs and festivals, and “greeting” Planned Parenthood social and fundraising events in Waco, Austin, Dallas, and Fort Worth.

       A hallmark of Pro-Life Waco has been challenging the supporters and enablers of abortion and Planned Parenthood. This has included Bank of America, Target, Walmart, the Komen Race for the Cure, WACOAN magazine for accepting Planned Parenthood advertising, and numerous Waco area businesses and churches that supported the Nobody's Fool annual sex promotion event.

       In 2023, John Pisciotta and Pro-life Waco began protesting Walgreens and CVS in Waco for their corporate commitment to chemical abortion by prescription. PLW is also encouraging nationwide outreach on the sidewalks of CVS and Walgreens and will provide a free "Quick Start Pack" to groups willing to deliver monthly protests.

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